The various processes proposed to be streamlined as per the procedures established are as follows.
- Priority berthing of cruise vessels should be provided on arrival.
- Single window port tariff.
- In addition, the ports are to provide facilities for vessel navigation 24 x 7, suppliers of fresh water and ship’s stores of verifiable good quality, bunkers at competitive prices and stp for receiving grey water.
- Advance entry of vessel wise passenger information and data in the online system’ of BOI.
- Final re-validation of data online at least 4 days prior vessel ETA.
- Scrutiny and issuance of e-landing card (that will carry passenger identification and enabled with barcode) by BOI to each passenger to facilitate their local exit/entry quickly and correctly.
- The manifest and other documentation formalities will continue online while face-check of passengers will be carried out only at entry and exit ports for the voyage concerned.
- On arrival of the vessel at the berth, customs shall clear the vessel after sealing the bonded ship stores and receiving the documents below.
- Procedure introduced for submitting soft arrival manifest providing arrival details of the vessel (form 56), general declaration (form 57), cargo declaration (form 58), declaration of goods (form 59), last port clearance and ship’s currency declaration.
- Cruise passengers can use either green/red channel while coming out of the terminal, as its the practice at airports.
- According to the new procedure, submission of all documents notified by PHO at least two working days prior to the arrival of the vessel concerned has been mandated.
- PHO would normally board a vessel on arrival for checking its safety for cruise operations only if the vessel and/or any of its crew members and/or any passengers arrive from yellow fever endemic area within 30 days from departure or from an area declared as affected for public health emergency of international concern (pheic) by WHO/GOI within the said prescribed period or incubation period; vessels carrying sick or dead personnel on board under (continued from issue XX) these circumstances and with other suggestive symptoms would also be boarded, prior the issuance of pratique. All other vessels will be treated as healthy vessels and will be granted pratique and health clearance after inspection and verification of documents and information, as per convenience of PHO/ship agent without any restrictions and/or undue delays.
- Entry and exit of vehicles through access
control system/ pedestrians
- The designated gate and part of the port or dock identified and dedicated for cruise ships shall be kept open and accessible for the duration of the stay of the vessel concerned at berth.
- Entry/exit of vehicles deployed for emergency
- Ambulance, fire tenders and port vehicles deployed in the event of emergencies would be accorded overriding priority for free entry/ exit under such circumstances.
- CISF (intra-port security)
- The new sop has established a seamless and transparent set of security protocols for cruise ports, minimizing divergent security practices. The focus of the new protocol is to allow cruise passengers and all other stakeholders to enjoy a positive experience at our ports without any dilution of the standards, drills and processes required and/or stipulated under the ISPS code of the port concerned.